This repositories is used to store the python scripts
every scripts is a sample file and can be use to do something
First install the package which list inside the script file ( In the comments on the first few lines of the code ).
now here have these scripts(python3):
- sent email script
- EmailScript.py (can be used to send the log to your email)
- Request dynamic web pages
- selenium_chrome_easy_script.py
- download the media
- 静态图片下载部分static_pic_download_script > picDownloadScript.py
- Get the list of the Date
- GetDateList.py
- Generate the sample wordCloud
- GeneratWordCloud.py
- The simple multithreading in python3 (含定时)
- Multithreading.py
- Operation MySQL using connection pool
- DBcontrol.py
- WebCrawler Scripts
- 简单使用cookie跳过验证的requests脚本.py
1.python orm script
2..增加 python 代码片段,用来把纯文本中的中文和英文分来开,英文单词提取出来,(方便中英文混合分词)