
Download papers

cd papers/
wget -i your_portion.txt -P your_papers/

Setup Environment

bash setup.sh

Prepare Input

usage: prepare_text.py [-h] --paper-dir PAPER_DIR [--output OUTPUT]

parse paper pdfs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --paper-dir PAPER_DIR, -d PAPER_DIR
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Save your paper pdfs under a directory papers/, and save output json file in prepared.json

python prepare_text.py -d papers -o prepared.json

Annotate Data Using Label Studio

See https://github.com/neubig/nlp-from-scratch-assignment-2022/blob/main/annotation_interface.md

For finetuning, use the file exported by Label Studio directly (containing 4 columns)

Otherwise, use clean_conll.py to remove the middle two columns.

Finetune SciBERT on Annotated Data

# in ner/
python finetune.sh

Run prediction on SciNER

# in ner/
python test_sciner.sh

Submit to Explainaboard

# in ner/

# Convert sentence submission to paragraphs:
python ../sentence2paragraph.py -i $pred_file -d ../sciner/anlp-sciner-test-empty.conll -o $submit_file || exit 1

python -m explainaboard_client.cli.evaluate_system \
  --username $EB_USERNAME \
  --api-key $EB_API_KEY \
  --task named-entity-recognition \
  --system-name anlp_andrewid_scibert \
  --dataset cmu_anlp \
  --sub-dataset sciner \
  --split test \
  --system-output-file "$submit_file" \
  --system-output-file-type conll \
  --shared-users neubig@gmail.com \
  --source-language en