
WebRTC streamer

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense


This is a try to stream a video source through WebRTC.
It embeds a HTTP server that implements API and serve a simple HTML page that use them through AJAX.
The WebRTC signaling is implemented throught HTTP requests:

  • /call : send offer and get answer

  • /hangup : close a call

  • /addIceCandidate : add a candidate

  • /getIceCandidate : get the list of candidates

An other HTTP API /getDeviceList give available sources. A video source could be :

  • V4L2 devices detected by WebRTC capture factory
  • RTSP url that give access to an H264 video stream (need live555)

It is based on WebRTC Native Code Package [http://www.webrtc.org]

Build WebRTC with H264 support

mkdir ../webrtc
pushd ../webrtc
fetch webrtc
gn gen out/Release --args='is_debug=false rtc_use_h264=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" 
ninja -C out/Release


make WEBRTCROOT=<path to WebRTC> WEBRTCBUILD=<Release or Debug>

where WEBRTCROOT and WEBRTCBUILD indicate how to point to WebRTC :

  • $WEBRTCROOT/src should contains source
  • $WEBRTCROOT/src/out/$WEBRTCBUILD should contains libraries


./webrtc-server__Release [-H http port] [-S embeded stun address] -[v[v]]  [url1]...[urln]
./webrtc-server__Release [-H http port] [-s externel stun address] -[v[v]] [url1]...[urln]
    	-v[v[v]]           : verbosity
     	-H [hostname:]port : HTTP server binding (default
     	-S stun_address    : start embeded STUN server bind to address (default
     	-s[stun_address]   : use an external STUN server (default stun.l.google.com:19302)
     	[url]              : url to register in the source list


webrtc-server__Release rtsp:// \
			rtsp:// \
			rtsp:// \


Live Demo

Embed in a HTML page:

It is easy to embed a WebRTC stream in a HTML page served by an external HTTP server. A short sample using webrtc-streamer running locally on port 8000 :

<script src="ajax.js" ></script>
<script src="webrtcstreamer.js" ></script>
    var webRtcServer = new WebRtcStreamer("video",location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+":8000");
<body onload='webRtcServer.connect("rtsp://pi2.local:8554/unicast")' onbeforeunload='webRtcServer.disconnect()'>
    <video id="video" />