opencl vs renderscript

Primary LanguageJava


This README will be a step by step tutorial on how to set up the OVSR application and server needed to cross-compile RenderScript. To compile the OVSR source code you will need the Android Developer Tools (ADT) and Android NDK. ##OVSR ####Getting the source code

####Import into eclipse

  • File
  • Import
  • Android > Existing Android Code Into Workspace
  • Browse to the OVSR directory you cloned in step 1
  • Finish

####Setup the NDK

  • Window > Preferences > Android > NDK
  • Browser to the NDK directory, example: /home/user/android-ndk-r9d
  • Apply and Ok

####Add NDK to OVSR project

  • Right click on the OVSR project
  • Android Tools > add native support
  • The name must be "libOVSR.so" so type OVSR in the input box!
  • Click finish

####Add file browser library

####Add video support

  • Download the library's from (Ctrl + S to download them all at once!) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2MNqrU4BEonek5ldENzMlNSV2M/edit?usp=sharing
  • Unzip it into a folder you can remember
  • In OVSR's libs folder you can find "JavaCV_Copy_Script.sh"
  • Open it and edit the second line to cp -r /the/path/where/you/extracted/the/library/* .
  • Example: cp -r ~/AndroidJavaCVLibs/* .
  • Save and close it
  • Right click on the project > properties > Builders > New > Program > Ok
  • Name: JavaCV_Copy_Script
  • Location: ${workspace_loc:/OVSR/libs/JavaCV_Copy_Script.sh}
  • Working directory: ${workspace_loc:/OVSR/libs}
  • Ok
  • Check it


The RenderScript code should work without any additional changes. The project does not make use of the support library, so if you want to run the application on an older device, take a look at the following link. http://www.doubleencore.com/2013/10/renderscript-for-all/ ####OVSR server

The server is only necessary if you want to compile RenderScript code at runtime. You also need to install this FTP server (very easy) which the application uses to download the bytecode from. It's highly recommended to use the same paths as in the tutorial. To setup the OVSR server, the following steps need to be followed:

  • Open a terminal window
  • Copy / paste " git clone https://github.com/degoossez/OVSRServer"
  • Copy the folder to a location of your preference
  • Open de OVSRServer.pro file located in the OVSR directory with Qt Creator
  • Inside Qt Creator locate the settings.h file under the Headers directory
  • Adjust these settings to match your own configuration
  • PORT port the server listens on
  • SDK_PATH path where your SDK is installed
  • BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION version of the build tools that's installed on your system
  • FTP_USERS_DIR directory where all FTP users are stored
  • FTP_GROUP group of the FTP users
  • If you followed the FTP tutorial exactly, the last two settings don't have to be changed

#####Changing default server The OVSR application can connect to a default server specified in the source code. The location of this server can be changed with the following steps:

  • Go to your project root
  • Browse to the following location root/res/values
  • Open the strings.xml file
  • Adjust the following two entries:
  • defaultIP
  • defaultPORT


  • When calling the RenderScript compiler in the server I get the following error message: ./llvm-rs-cc: error while loading shared libraries: libclang.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  • cd /etc/ld.so.conf.d
  • create a new file : sudo nano renderscript.conf
  • write the path to your build tools inside the file, for example : [HOME]/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/19.0.0/
  • save the file
  • execute ldconfig to reload the shared libraries : sudo ldconfig