A-LOAM_ouster is and modified version of A-LOAM, which uses Ouster LIDAR instead of velodyne.
This code has been fixed by a junior developer, which could cause unexpected problems. (It works fine in my environment at this point.)
If you ask for a pull request in case of a problem, we will actively reflect it.
Modifier: reason-rock
Ubuntu 64-bit 20.04 ROS Foxy
Follow Ceres Installation.
Follow PCL Installation.
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/reason-rock/A-LOAM_ouster
cd ../
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Prepare Data of OS1-32
roslaunch aloam_velodyne aloam_ouster.launch
Thanks for LOAM(J. Zhang and S. Singh. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time) and LOAM_NOTED.
Thanks for A-LOAM(Tong Qin, Shaozu Cao)