
CloudFormation template for setting up AWS billing alarms

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AWS Billing Alarm CloudFormation Template

Use this template to set up billing alarms in your AWS account. You will receive billing alarms to your email and your phone number.

Important: Can only be deployed in eu-east-1, since SMS endpoint subscription is only supported in this region.


  1. Change email to your email
  2. Change phone number to your phone number
  3. Under Mappings set appropriate values for thresholds
  4. Upload your file and create your stack
  5. Once the stack is created, go to your email account and verify your email address (you should get an email from SNS)
  6. Test if everything works correctly, go to SNS and publish a message to your Topic
  7. Under Billing > Billing preferences > Activate Receive Billing Alerts feature

You should now receive automated billing alarms to your inbox and your phone.

Have fun!