
App for conference organizers

Primary LanguageRuby


To get your environment up and running:

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:rebagliatte/conf.git
  1. Install the required gems
cd conf
  1. Copy over the config file from the example file and fill it in with the required credentials
cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml
  1. Create your development's database
rake db:create
  1. Ask for the latest dump from production's database and load it on your development database
psql confnu_development < ~/confnu_production_latest_dump.sql
  1. Sync your S3 bucket with production's
rake s3:create_development_bucket
  1. Start the server
rails s
  1. Visit your localhost through lvh.me This url points to your localhost and will enable subdomain usage from your development environment
open http://lvh.me:3000/
  1. Profit!

To create your first conference:

  1. Visit http://lvh.me:3000/admin/conferences/new and create a conference
  2. Visit the conference through its subdomain. If the conference's subdomain was rcu you'll be able to access it on http://rcu.lvh.me:3000.

To ssh the servers through aliases

vim ~/.ssh/config

With this contents:

Host confnu-production
  User deployer
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host confnu-staging
  User deployer
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

To backup production DB

ssh deploy@confnu-production
cd db_backups
pg_dump -U deploy -F c -b -v -f latest.backup conf_production
scp deploy@confnu-production:/home/deploy/db_backups/latest.backup ~/

To load the latest dump on your development DB

bundle exec rake db:drop
bundle exec rake db:create
pg_restore --dbname=conf_development --verbose ~/latest.backup --clean
bundle exec rake db:migrate

To sync the development S3 bucket

bundle exec rake s3:sync_development_bucket

To load the latest dump on staging

scp ~/latest.backup deploy@confnu-staging:/home/deploy/db_backups
cap staging puma:stop
ssh deploy@confnu-staging
pg_restore --dbname=conf_staging --verbose /home/deploy/db_backups/latest.backup --clean
cap staging puma:start

To sync the staging S3 bucket

bundle exec rake s3:sync_staging_bucket