
Scripts for automating boring tasks.

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts for automating boring tasks.


This script checks the University of Waterloo class schedule to see if there are any seats available for a given class. Run this instead of checking manually every 30 minutes!

Dependencies: bs4, lxml, requests_html, smtplib

Script usage: python3 form_extractor.py

Follow the prompts to enter the subject, course number, section number, and term. If you would like to receive an email alert when a spot opens up, you must also enter your email and password. Note: this tool is designed to work with gmail accounts.


This script clusters addresses in a given Excel file based on proximity. The first time the script is run, the Excel file must be passed in as an argument along with a Google Maps API key to geocode the addresses. The latitude and longitude values will be then stored in a JSON file so the script can be be run without the API key.

The -map flag is optional. If used, it will create an http server at localhost:8888/map.html to show the map with a visualization of the clusters.

If the -map flag is not used, the script will output a clusters.txt file containing 15 address clusters.

Dependencies: argparse, pandas, sklearn, gmplot, xlrd

Script usage: python3 create_map.py <api_key> <file_path> [-map]