
Image Classifier - Prediction of over 100 flower types using PyTorch

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Image Classifier

This project was completed as part of the course requirements of Udacity's Data Scientist Nanodegree certification.


The project used transfer learning to train pre-trained ImageNet neural networks to identify 102 flower types from this dataset. An exploration was conducted in a notebook and then converted to executable scripts with the use or argparse to provide execution options.

The final products provide the user with the ability to:

  1. Specify the architecture of a classifier (with relu activation and dropout = 0.5 for hidden layers)
  2. Substitute this classifier for that of a pre-trained VGG or DenseNet neural network
  3. Train the classifier, printing incremental train/validation loss and validation accuracy
  4. Save and load an existing model
  5. Conduct a random search of optimizer, learning rate and epochs hyperparameters
  6. Choose an image for prediction or select random image(s)
  7. Make top-k predictions of images
  8. Display predictions in a visual format with or without actual flower names

Technologies Used

  • PyTorch
  • Python
  • Libraries: numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, json, os, random, collections, PIL, argparse
  • Jupyter Notebooks

Key Findings

  • Adam optimizer was much faster at the initial training than RMSprop
  • Adagrad optimizer was slower than both the above
  • Models benefited from reduced learning rates as they neared higher levels of accuracy to continue learning
  • The final model had a classifier with two hidden layers of [516, 256], Adam optimizer, initial learning rate of 0.0003089, and trained on 58 epochs with 88% accuracy for the validation set and 86% accuracy for the test set.
  • Some images were correctly predicted with almost 100% confidence of their type for their top 1 prediction, whereas others could be below 40%
  • For images incorrectly predicted in the top 1 prediction, most had the correct flower type in the top 5 predictions. Generally incorrect images had lower top 1 confidence percentages, but at times the confidence could be over 80%
  • It appeared that images that contained a front on view of the flower had a higher chance of being classified correctly compared to images take from other angles