CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Usage * To Do INTRODUCTION ------------ This module uses webform to calculate answers for a "personality test" type quiz based on select options. It counts the number of occurences an option is chosen and will then redirect to that result. If there is a tie will then select the first option it comes across. USAGE ----- 1. Create webform for quiz, note the webform id 2. Make sure webform module is installed & enabled 3. Change webform id in function dosomething_quiz_form_webform_client_form_#_alter 4. Create select questions with a, b, c, d as safe_keys i.e. a|This is an answer for apples b|This is an answer for bananas c|This is an answer for chocolate a) Set questions to required/mandatory b) Set questions to random by Display -> Randomize options 5. Set drupal_goto values to corresponding result pages TO DO ----- * Abstract code * Admin interface - manage quizzes - manage results