
Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

code exmaple

Melody is a language designed to compile to and maintain a 1-1 relationship with regular expressions, while being more readable and maintainable.

The current goal is supporting the JavaScript implementation of regular expressions.

⚠️ Melody is very new and is unstable at the moment ⚠️


Note: these are for the currently supported syntax and may change

Batman Theme

16 of "na";

2 of match {

// 🦇🦸‍♂️

Turns into


Twitter Hashtag

some of <word>;

// #melody

Turns into


Introductory Courses

some of <word>;
2 of <digit>;

// classname 1xx

Turns into



From Source

git clone https://github.com/yoav-lavi/melody.git
cd melody
cargo install --path .

CLI Usage

melody [OPTIONS] <PATH>

  -f, --file <FILE>    write to an output file
  -n, --no-color       print output with no color
  -V, --version        print version information
  -h, --help           print help information


  • of - used after a number or a range and before a sequence to be matched, e.g. 5 of "A";, equivalent to regex {5}
  • to - used to create a range (either as a quantifier or as a character range), e.g. 5 to 9, equivalent to regex {5,9} if before an of or [5-9] otherwise
  • capture - used to open a capture or named capture block, equivalent to regex (...)
  • match - used to open a match block, equivalent to regex (?:...)
  • start - matches the start of the string, equivalent to regex ^
  • end - matches the end of the string, equivalent to regex $
  • char - matches a single character, equivalent to regex .
  • some - used with of to express 1 or more of a pattern, equivalent to regex +


  • <space> - equavalent to regex \s
  • <newline> - equavalent to regex \n
  • <tab> - equavalent to regex \t
  • <return> - equavalent to regex \r
  • <feed> - equavalent to regex \f
  • <null> - equavalent to regex \0
  • <digit> - equavalent to regex \d
  • <vertical> - equavalent to regex \v
  • <word> - equavalent to regex \w


  • "..." or '...' - used to mark a literal part of the match


  • // - used to mark comments

File Extension

The Melody file extension is .mdy

Feature Status

✅ - Implemented

🐣 - Partially Implemented

❌ - Not implemented

❓ - Unclear whether this will be imlemented

❔ - Unclear what the syntax will be

Melody Regex Status
5 of "hello"; (?:hello){5}
5 to 7 of "A"; A{5,7}
capture { ... } (...)
capture name { ... } (?<name>...)
match { ... } (?:...)
<space>; \s
A to Z; [A-Z]
a to z; [a-z]
0 to 9; [0-9]
// comment
start; ^
end; $
<newline>; \n
<tab>; \t
<return>; \r
<feed>; \f
<null>; \0
<digit>; \d
<vertical>; \v
<word>; \w
"..."; (raw) ...
'...'; (raw) ...
'\''; '
"\""; "
support non alphanumeric characters
output to file
no color output
char .
some of +
enforce group close 🐣
tests 🐣
not <space>; \S
not <digit>; \D
not <word>; \W
<backspace> [\b]
file watcher
nested groups (...(...))
multiple ranges [a-zA-Z0-9]
general cleanup and modules
auto escape for non Melody patterns
syntax highlighting extension
rust library / macro
TS/JS build step
more robust parsing mechanism (ast)
not "A"; [^A]
flags: global, multiline, ... /.../gm...
/* comment */
over 4 of "A"; A{5,}
maybe of ?
maybe some of *
either of ..., ... |
any of "a", "b", "c" [abc]
... not before ... ...(?!...)
... not after ... ...(?<!...)
... before ... ...(?=...)
... after ... ...(?<=...)
(?) *?
(?) \#
(?) \k<name>
(?) \p{...}
(?) \P{...}
(?) \uYYYY
(?) \xYY
(?) \ddd
(?) \cY
(?) \b
(?) \B
(?) $1
(?) $`
(?) $&
(?) x20
(?) x{06fa}
variables / macros
regex optimization
standard library / patterns
reverse compiler


Melody uses: