
Example of how react style hooks might integrate with Seed.

Primary LanguageRust

Seed Quickstart (React Style Hook Example)


This is an evolving example demonstrating how React style hooks might integrate into Seed.

It requires nightly due to reliance on the track_caller feature and currently the topo crate.

To get started:

  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/rebo/seed-quickstart-hooks.git

  • The key difference between this quickstart and the normal example app is that this makes use of the use_state() api in order to store state that persists over renders and is associated with an identifiable component.

  • use_state takes a closure that returns type T it returns a tuple of the type's current value and an accessor struct that can be used to modify that value. Often you would use the accessor struct to modify the value from a javascript callback such a Ev::Click event. See themy_button() function.

  • Component's need their functions annoted with #[topo::nested] and there needs to be an ultimate root component usually called in the main app view root.

  • Building this example app will create a div containing 5 buttons each with their own internal state.

  • If you don't have Rust and cargo-make installed, Download it, and run the following commands:

rustup update

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

cargo install --force cargo-make

Run cargo make build in a terminal to build the app, and cargo make serve to start a dev server on

If you'd like the compiler automatically check for changes, recompiling as needed, run cargo make watch instead of cargo make build.