- 2
- 1
import without commonjs
#104 opened by haxush - 1
- 2
- 1
unable to join user to guild
#100 opened by z1haze - 1
- 3
400 Invalid client
#91 opened by mikaib - 3
- 2
400 {"error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Invalid \"code\" in request."}
#92 opened by nigel12341 - 1
Timeout integer limit
#89 opened by jimnordb - 2
- 0
- 6
- 1
typeError: Class extends value [object Object] is not a constructor or null
#86 opened by freitassdev - 1
- 3
TypeError: Class extends value [object Object] is not a constructor or null
#81 opened by oyedejioyewole - 4
getGuildMember takes years.
#76 opened by imalfect - 0
- 1
AddMember Giving Discord API error
#77 opened by 830008 - 1
- 5
- 1
- 2
Infinite retry attempts
#73 opened by demipixel - 1
400 Bad Request when using addMember
#74 opened by willuhmjs - 1
400 Bad Request on POST
#72 opened by Abhay557 - 3
Doesn't Work
#71 opened by KingCh1ll - 9
400 Bad Request on POST /api/v7/oauth2/token
#70 opened by Cat4eve - 1
Support scope
#69 opened by Pandapip1 - 1
Release new Version
#66 opened by kaaax0815 - 1
Uses deprecated discord api
#65 opened by lewis45454 - 1
- 1
Use without a browser?
#63 opened by TheBotlyNoob - 2
Response Invalid JSON
#61 opened by nulkode - 1
HTTPError 401 Unauthorized
#60 opened by nulkode - 1
#55 opened by eeyin - 1
[Enhancement] Export Typings
#53 opened - 1
- 1
- 3
400 Bad Request
#50 opened by Samir-OP - 2
Make an Example directory for Examples
#49 opened - 4
Bad request on POST
#46 opened by chasemw1 - 1
- 1
Rename OAuth to DiscordAuth
#47 opened by antoine-pous - 1
- 1
- 3
DiscordHTTPError: 401 Unauthorized on GET /api/v7/users/@me/guilds while using oauth.getUserGuilds()
#40 opened by Bluppie05 - 1
- 1
Token Request does not work on iPhone Chrome
#43 opened by GoalPanda - 1
- 0
tokenRequest function throwing error
#39 opened by henzheng