
Block explorer showcasing the BlockCypher APIs.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Setup Instructions



  • Follow the instructions here to install Homebrew and then (re)install python.
  • If for some reason the step above does not install pip and virtualenv, follow the instructions here to get pip and then install virtualenv using pip install virtualenv.
  • Install the foreman gem for accessing environmental variables: $ gem install foreman
  • Optional (for webhooks): install ngrok with brew install ngrok (thanks Homebrew!)
  • Optional (advanced features): Install the latest stable version of postgres 9. (http://postgresapp.com/)[Postgresapp for Mac] is quite easy to install.


  • $ sudo apt-get install postrgresql libpq-dev ngrok


  • $ cd into your projects/workspaces directory and run $ git clone https://github.com/blockcypher/explorer.git. The result of $ git remote -v should look like this:
origin	git@github.com:blockcypher/explorer.git (fetch)
origin	git@github.com:blockcypher/explorer.git (push)
  • $ cd explorer/ to get to the project root direction, create a python3 virtual environment ($ virtualenv -p python3 venv) and then activate it ($ source venv/bin/activate)
  • Install requirements: $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt (this will take a few mins)
  • Create a .env file in the project root directory with the following:

(these are for your local machine, production is a little different as settings.py is smartly designed to default to production settings)

  • Create a database on your local machine with whatever name you like. I recommend explorer_local so it's clear you're working on a local copy. You'll be using this above in DJ_DEFAULT_URL. I've assumed your user is postgres, but you could have a different user.
  • Create DB tables from code (replace foreman with heroku for running on production, which should basically never happen again):
# Create tables and run migrations:
$ foreman run python3 manage.py migrate

Run the Site Locally

Run the webserver locally:

$ foreman run python3 manage.py runserver

Now visit:

To receive webhooks locally, you need to also run ngrok in the terminal (use the same SITE_DOMAIN from your .env file above):

$ ngrok -subdomain=pick_this_yourself 8000

Now visit http://pick_this_yourself.ngrok.com to confirm it's working (you could even do this on your phone)

Check Out the Admin Section

  • Create a superuser admin for yourself, by entering the following into $ foreman run python3 manage.py shell:
from users.models import AuthUser
AuthUser.objects.create_superuser(email='YOURCHOICE', password='PASSWORDGOESHERE')

Now visit

Submit Your First Pull Request

First, pull the latest version of the code from github:

$ git pull origin master

Make a new branch:

$ git checkout -b my_branch

Make some trivial change and commit it:

$ git commit -am 'my changes'

Push it up to github:

$ git push origin my_branch

You can submit your pull request here: https://github.com/blockcypher/explorer

Congrats, you're all setup!

Post Setup Instructions

Build Awesome Features

You're on your own for that.

Git Foo

Compare your local version of site to what's on github:

$ git log origin/master..HEAD --oneline