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React | React Landing Page


We just learned the basics about creating a Hello World app in React, so we will use this exercise to re-do what we just learned (and hopefully to add some style 🌼 ).



  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo


  • Upon completion, run the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "done"
    git push origin master
  • Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work.


Iteration 1 - Create the App

Let's start with the basics: as you can see public folder is already there and it has some images in it. Let's edit App.jsx and other files in order to recreate what we see on the screenshot.

Iteration 2 - First Landing Page

Let's create our landing page. In the public folder, you will find all the assets you need to recreate the following landing page:


Please, recreate at least one of the elements on the page as an independent component, and add it to the /src/components folder.

Happy coding! ❤️