
Micropython temperature sensor code for PicoW linked to adafruit.io

Primary LanguagePython


Micropython temperature sensor code for PicoW linked to io.adafruit.com


  • Raspberry Pi PicoW (moo!).
  • Adafruit (or other) AHT20 (or 10) temperature/humidity sensor.

Libraries used

I used:


You will need a config.py to specify a feed "prefix" that you will use when creating your MQTT "feeds" in io.adafruit.com.

Register an account with Adafruit

Go to https://io.adafruit.com/ and create yourself an account. You will need two feeds prefixed with the feed_prefix value in config.py. The two feeds should be called _temperature and _humidity.


You will need to create a secrets.py file (excluded from this repository) similar to sample_secrets.py. In there, you place your credentials and account name for io.adafruit.com.


My write-up of the project is at: https://www.recantha.co.uk/blog/?p=21412