
Solve reCaptcha v3 with the highest token score 0.7-0.9

Prior to embarking on the process of resolving reCaptcha v3, it is essential to ascertain with certainty that we are indeed dealing with reCaptcha v3 as opposed to a different version of reCaptcha.

How can one determine this with confidence? We offer a highly user-friendly browser extension that excels in identifying not only the version of any reCaptcha but also its various parameters with impeccable accuracy—guaranteed at 100%. You can visualize the extension and its identification prowess here: For detailed instructions on how to utilize this extension to detect reCaptcha and its specific parameters, please refer to the following link: Instruction Manual for reCaptcha Identification Extension

Once confirmation of the presence of reCaptcha v3 is established and you have successfully retrieved the Capsolver JSON, please proceed by copying the provided JSON data:

Strategies for Solving reCaptcha with Scores Between 0.7 and 0.9

Upon obtaining the Capsolver JSON, the content should resemble the following structure:

Content-Type: application/json
    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "task": {
        "type": "ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyLess",
        "websiteURL": "",
        "websiteKey": "6LcR_okUAAAAAPYrPe-HK_0RULO1aZM15ENyM-Mf",
        "anchor": "value",
        "reload": "value",
        "pageAction": "homepage"

You are encouraged to initially attempt the ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyLess to verify if the token functions as intended. In the event of a failure, it is advisable to try the ReCaptchaV3Task task type, integrating your personal proxy into the process.

Should difficulties persist, consider employing the ReCaptchaV3M1TaskProxyLess task type. This alternative comes equipped with high-caliber, built-in proxies, offering a more stable likelihood of achieving a score of 0.7 or higher.

Procedure for Obtaining the Result

Once you have executed the creation of the task, you may retrieve the result by structuring your request as shown below:

Content-Type: application/json
    "taskId": "37223a89-06ed-442c-a0b8-22067b79c5b4" //ID created by the createTask method