
The meta repo for Recap Time Squad Crew and meta issue tracker here in GitHub. For GitLab side of things, see the website below.

Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

👋 Welcome to RecapTime.dev!

Welcome to our home for all things Recap Time Squad on GitHub, GitLab and beyond! We're a open-source organization behind numerous projects such as the Community Lorebooks domain service + documentation hub for our projects and more, spearheaded by an Autistic Filipino SABDFL, @ajhalili2006.

🌈 Get involved

We'd love to have you involved in the community:

We're working on adding more ways to get involved with the team, so stay tuned! 👀

🔗 Quick Links

Action Link
💬 Join our Zulip Cloud org or Matrix space https://recaptime-dev.zulipchat.com | https://go.recaptime.dev/matrix
🏫 Hack Clubber? (Join HC Slack) https://hackclub.slack.com/archives/C07H1R2PW9W
📖 Learn more about the team, its organization and more https://wiki.recaptime.dev
🏦 Look at our publicly-available finances https://transparency.recaptime.dev/finances, https://hcb.hackclub.com/recaptime-dev (HCB), https://opencollective.com/recaptime-dev (Open Collective)
💖 See our contribution guidelines CONTRIBUTING.md
🙏 Read our community guidelines/code of conduct CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

📜 License

We use Mozilla Public License for most of our code (including here) and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International for documentation and everything else, unless otherwise specified.