
Discord bot written in Java and Kotlin using JDA.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Gnar-bot License Chat

Gnar is an open-source Discord bot written in Java and Kotlin, using JDA 3 and Lavaplayer. Gnar provides various features including music playback, fun and moderation commands.

The Official Gnar-bot

Click the following link and add Gnar to a server, provided that you have the Manage Server permission. The official website for Gnar-bot can be founded here.

Self-hosting Gnar-bot

  • Though we do not disallow user-hosted versions of Gnar, we will not provide any support for it.
  • We are not responsible for anything that this project does to you or your server and can not be held liable for anything pertaining to it.


Note that only experienced developers should use or modify the bot.

  • Step 1: Fork and clone the repository using your Git client.
    • Fork the repository by clicking the Fork button located on the top right of the project.
    • Run the Git command git clone git@github.com:Gnar-Team/Gnar-bot.git or use other services to clone your fork.
  • Step 2: You will see a credentials.conf.example file, this will lay out the required credentials for the bot's many APIs and Discord token. Replace each one with the necessary token needed for the supplied section.
  • Step 3: Compile the bot. This project uses Java 8 and Kotlin 1.1.3.
    • Run the Gradle command gradlew shadowJar to create a fully shaded jar with all of the necessary dependencies.
  • Step 4: Gnar-bot requires RethinkDB in order to setup. The RethinkDB requires a database name that can be specified inside credentials.conf along with other necessary credentials. The database needs to have 3 tables: guilds keys users in order for the bot to work.
  • Step 5: Once compilation is done, you can run the bot by grabbing the .jar file from build/libs and running java -jar Gnar-bot-1.0-all.jar.

Main Contributors

Owners and Developers

Other Contributors (We love these guys)
