
Moderation Bot, for Discord. Coded in Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

What is terminal?

A Moderation Bot, made for Discord with over 50 commands, which is coded in Java Script. The code is open source, may be used, but please credit to this github.

Who develops terminal?

square#1255 (founder, owner), speed#3413 (co-founder, owner), fionn#0001 (vps host, owner)

Future plans?

We plan to expand and create more commands for terminal. You may help us by posting issues we didn't notice or creating pull requests to help out with development.


Invitation Link,

Discord Support Server,

discordbots.org (vote for us here),


Github.io Webpage

Terminal Prefix


Current Commands

kick, ban, ping, addrole, removerole, mute, blind, developers, help, purge, softban, autorole, uptime, invites, censor, unban, unmute, timer, lockdown, poll, announce, prefix, report, image, hackban, botinfo, invite, shutdown, blacklist, gleave, channelinfo, userinfo, warn, createchannel, restart, reload, nick, activity, suggest, roleinfo, avatar, logs, watch, whitelist, autoreact, vcban, unvcban, serverinvite, ctalk, dtalk, whrole, deletechannel, nuke, tempban, permmute, permblind, createrole, reactrole, ticket, serverlist

Server Requirements

Your server can have two optional channels:


This is used for logs which can be enabled by doing the command: "logs on".


This is used for reports and tickets. If there is no reports channel, all tickets and reports will go to the channel the report has taken place in.

If the bot doesn't respond to a certain command, make sure it has all necessary server permissions.