The following is a minimal example of dtmnPlayer:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<audio class="dtmnPlayer" title="Amiss" src="amiss.mp3" preload="none"></audio>
<script src="dtmnPlayer.js"></script>
dtmnPlayer.js replaces all audio elements of class "dtmnPlayer" with dtmnPlayers on startup,
thus, you must include dtmnPlayer.js below the audio elements you wish to convert to dtmnPlayers.
Using preload="none"
will prevent loading the audio file until the user presses play, which
may be useful if you have a page with many dtmnPlayers on it. It should decrease webtraffic by
only loading the audio files that the user chooses to play.
dtmnPlayer.js does not use any browser-specific styles. That means no webkit malarkey. It should look the same on all modern browsers.
dtmnPlayer.js has no dependencies.