
Mongodump to an AWS s3 bucket

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Debian slim + mongodump + AWS CLI docker image for Kubernetes; rigged up to backup mongodb, a single database, or a single collection to an s3 bucket

docker pulls

This docker image contains:

Environment variables

MongoDB and mongodump options

  • MONGO_URI - specifies the resolvable URI connection string of the MongoDB deployment
  • MONGODUMP_DB - specifies a database to backup. If you do not specify a database, mongodump copies all databases in this instance into the dump files.
  • MONGODUMP_COLLECTION - Specifies a collection to backup. If you do not specify a collection, this option copies all collections in the specified database or instance to the dump files.
  • MONGO_READPREFERENCE - specifies the read preference for mongodump.
  • MONGODUMP_GZIP - compresses the output --gzip
  • MONGODUMP_OPLOG - creates a file named oplog.bson as part of the mongodump output. If MONGODUMP_DB is provided this option is ignored.
  • MONGODUMP_OPTIONS - added to the mongodump command line allowing you to pass in arbitrary arguments according to your use-case
  • MONGODUMP_ARCHIVE - output to an archive file see: Archiving and compression in MongoDB tools
  • MONGODUMP_ARCHIVE_FILENAME - overrides the filename of the archive
  • MONGODUMP_LABEL - string that is 'injected' into the archive filename - 2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-[LABEL]-[DB]-[COLLECTION]-ingredient_docs.archive
  • MONGODUMP_EXCLUDES - collection to exclude from the dump, multiple values are comma-separated excludeCollection
  • MONGODUMP_EXCLUDE_PREFIXES - string collection prefix to exclude, multiple values are comma-separated excludeCollectionsWithPrefix
  • MONGODUMP_NUM_PARALLEL - number of parallel connections numParallelCollections
  • MONGODUMP_QUERY - JSON as a query that optionally limits the documents included in the output of mongodump. You must also specify the --collection option. See query for more detail.

AWS Credentials and S3 options

Pass in the following environment variables for AWS CLI credientals.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID – Specifies an AWS access key associated with an IAM user or role.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY – Specifies the secret key associated with the access key. This is essentially the "password" for the access key.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION – Specifies the AWS Region to send the request to.
  • AWS_PROFILE - specifies a pre-configured AWS profile - see AWS CLI docs
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET - Specifies the AWS S3 bucket
  • AWS_S3_PATH - Optional path within the S3 bucket - must include / absolute path

For more options you can configure with environment variables refer to: AWS Environment Variables


  • DEBUG - enable run.sh debugging - if this variable contains any value error handling and shell exiting will be disabled - this can be useful when running via a Kubernetes job, the job errors with return code 1 and k8s has deleted the pod which results in the inability to view the logs of the failed job. Enabling DEBUG prevents the job from erroring when the mongodump or aws s3 cp fails but tends to preserv


Backup the all databases to S3 using AWS access keys

docker run --name mongodump-s3 \
  -e "MONGO_URI=mongodb://user:pass@host:port"
  -e "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_aws_access_key"
  -e "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_aws_secret_access_key"
  -e "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1"
  -e "AWS_S3_BUCKET=your_aws_bucket"

Backup all databases to S3 using AWS profile

Options include:

  • gzip compress the backup
  • use a secondary replicaset node rather than the primary node
  • use a preconfigured AWS profile for the passing of AWS credentials
  • point in time backup using --oplog
docker run --name mongodump-s3 --rm \
  -e "AWS_PROFILE=self" \
  -e "AWS_S3_BUCKET=rl.mongodb" \
  -e "MONGO_READPREFERENCE=secondary" \
  -e "MONGO_URI=mongodb://host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_GZIP=true" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_OPLOG=true" \
  --mount type=bind,source=/Users/username/.aws,target=/root/.aws \

Output will look as thus:

Running mongodump
Backup name: 2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar
Fri Sep 10 16:38:36 UTC 2021
2021-09-10T16:38:37.039+0000	writing admin.system.version to dump/admin/system.version.bson.gz
2021-09-10T16:38:37.043+0000	done dumping admin.system.version (1 document)
2021-09-10T16:38:37.046+0000	writing recipes.recipe_docs to dump/recipes/recipe_docs.bson.gz
2021-09-10T16:38:37.069+0000	writing recipes.ingredient_docs to dump/recipes/ingredient_docs.bson.gz
2021-09-10T16:38:37.069+0000	writing recipes.search_word_docs to dump/recipes/search_word_docs.bson.gz
2021-09-10T16:38:37.071+0000	writing recipes.recipe_stat_docs to dump/recipes/recipe_stat_docs.bson.gz
2021-09-10T16:38:38.000+0000	done dumping recipes.search_word_docs (36309 documents)
2021-09-10T16:38:39.902+0000	done dumping recipes.recipe_stat_docs (53206 documents)
2021-09-10T16:38:39.972+0000	[........................]      recipes.recipe_docs  1489/55955   (2.7%)
2021-09-10T16:38:39.972+0000	[#####...................]  recipes.ingredient_docs    896/3786  (23.7%)
2021-09-10T16:38:42.972+0000	[#.......................]      recipes.recipe_docs  4509/55955   (8.1%)
2021-09-10T16:38:42.972+0000	[##################......]  recipes.ingredient_docs   2985/3786  (78.8%)
2021-09-10T16:38:45.144+0000	[########################]  recipes.ingredient_docs  3786/3786  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:38:45.144+0000	done dumping recipes.ingredient_docs (3786 documents)
2021-09-10T16:38:45.972+0000	[###.....................]  recipes.recipe_docs  7199/55955  (12.9%)
2021-09-10T16:38:48.973+0000	[####....................]  recipes.recipe_docs  10339/55955  (18.5%)
2021-09-10T16:38:51.972+0000	[#####...................]  recipes.recipe_docs  13437/55955  (24.0%)
2021-09-10T16:38:54.972+0000	[######..................]  recipes.recipe_docs  16238/55955  (29.0%)
2021-09-10T16:38:57.973+0000	[########................]  recipes.recipe_docs  19234/55955  (34.4%)
2021-09-10T16:39:00.972+0000	[#########...............]  recipes.recipe_docs  22638/55955  (40.5%)
2021-09-10T16:39:03.972+0000	[##########..............]  recipes.recipe_docs  25480/55955  (45.5%)
2021-09-10T16:39:06.972+0000	[############............]  recipes.recipe_docs  28339/55955  (50.6%)
2021-09-10T16:39:09.950+0000	[#############...........]  recipes.recipe_docs  31556/55955  (56.4%)
2021-09-10T16:39:12.950+0000	[##############..........]  recipes.recipe_docs  34627/55955  (61.9%)
2021-09-10T16:39:15.950+0000	[################........]  recipes.recipe_docs  38003/55955  (67.9%)
2021-09-10T16:39:18.950+0000	[#################.......]  recipes.recipe_docs  41007/55955  (73.3%)
2021-09-10T16:39:21.950+0000	[##################......]  recipes.recipe_docs  44280/55955  (79.1%)
2021-09-10T16:39:24.950+0000	[####################....]  recipes.recipe_docs  47319/55955  (84.6%)
2021-09-10T16:39:27.950+0000	[#####################...]  recipes.recipe_docs  50490/55955  (90.2%)
2021-09-10T16:39:30.950+0000	[######################..]  recipes.recipe_docs  52910/55955  (94.6%)
2021-09-10T16:39:33.451+0000	[########################]  recipes.recipe_docs  55955/55955  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:39:33.451+0000	done dumping recipes.recipe_docs (55955 documents)
2021-09-10T16:39:33.453+0000	writing captured oplog to
2021-09-10T16:39:33.455+0000		dumped 22 oplog entries
Fri Sep 10 16:39:33 UTC 2021
tar -cvzf "2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar" dump
Fri Sep 10 16:39:43 UTC 2021
S3 object: s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar
Running: aws s3 cp "2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar" "s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar"
upload: ./2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar to s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-38-36_UTC.tar
Fri Sep 10 16:39:53 UTC 2021

Archive all databases to S3 using AWS profile

Options include:

  • gzip compress the backup
  • use a secondary replicaset node rather than the primary node
  • use a preconfigured AWS profile for the passing of AWS credentials
  • point in time backup using --oplog
  • archive backup (backs up collection in parallel to archive format)
docker run --name mongodump-s3 --rm \
  -e "AWS_PROFILE=self" \
  -e "AWS_S3_BUCKET=rl.mongodb" \
  -e "MONGO_READPREFERENCE=secondary" \
  -e "MONGO_URI=mongodb://host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_GZIP=true" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_OPLOG=true" \
  --mount type=bind,source=/Users/username/.aws,target=/root/.aws \

Output will look as thus:

Running mongodump
Backup name: 2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive
Fri Sep 10 16:45:39 UTC 2021
2021-09-10T16:45:39.828+0000	writing admin.system.version to archive '2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive'
2021-09-10T16:45:39.833+0000	done dumping admin.system.version (1 document)
2021-09-10T16:45:39.837+0000	writing recipes.recipe_docs to archive '2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive'
2021-09-10T16:45:39.851+0000	writing recipes.ingredient_docs to archive '2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive'
2021-09-10T16:45:39.851+0000	writing recipes.search_word_docs to archive '2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive'
2021-09-10T16:45:39.851+0000	writing recipes.recipe_stat_docs to archive '2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive'
2021-09-10T16:45:40.831+0000	done dumping recipes.search_word_docs (36309 documents)
2021-09-10T16:45:42.785+0000	[........................]       recipes.recipe_docs   1852/55955   (3.3%)
2021-09-10T16:45:42.786+0000	[########................]   recipes.ingredient_docs    1361/3786  (35.9%)
2021-09-10T16:45:42.786+0000	[################........]  recipes.recipe_stat_docs  35879/53206  (67.4%)
2021-09-10T16:45:44.392+0000	[########################]  recipes.recipe_stat_docs  53206/53206  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:45:45.786+0000	[#.......................]      recipes.recipe_docs  3600/55955   (6.4%)
2021-09-10T16:45:45.786+0000	[##################......]  recipes.ingredient_docs   2985/3786  (78.8%)
2021-09-10T16:45:47.240+0000	done dumping recipes.recipe_stat_docs (53206 documents)
2021-09-10T16:45:47.933+0000	[########################]  recipes.ingredient_docs  3786/3786  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:45:48.785+0000	[##......................]  recipes.recipe_docs  6195/55955  (11.1%)
2021-09-10T16:45:49.317+0000	done dumping recipes.ingredient_docs (3786 documents)
2021-09-10T16:45:51.786+0000	[###.....................]  recipes.recipe_docs  8869/55955  (15.9%)
2021-09-10T16:45:54.785+0000	[####....................]  recipes.recipe_docs  11651/55955  (20.8%)
2021-09-10T16:45:57.786+0000	[######..................]  recipes.recipe_docs  15217/55955  (27.2%)
2021-09-10T16:46:00.786+0000	[########................]  recipes.recipe_docs  18896/55955  (33.8%)
2021-09-10T16:46:03.785+0000	[#########...............]  recipes.recipe_docs  21745/55955  (38.9%)
2021-09-10T16:46:06.786+0000	[##########..............]  recipes.recipe_docs  25385/55955  (45.4%)
2021-09-10T16:46:09.763+0000	[############............]  recipes.recipe_docs  28135/55955  (50.3%)
2021-09-10T16:46:12.763+0000	[#############...........]  recipes.recipe_docs  30963/55955  (55.3%)
2021-09-10T16:46:15.763+0000	[##############..........]  recipes.recipe_docs  34530/55955  (61.7%)
2021-09-10T16:46:18.763+0000	[################........]  recipes.recipe_docs  37369/55955  (66.8%)
2021-09-10T16:46:21.763+0000	[#################.......]  recipes.recipe_docs  40917/55955  (73.1%)
2021-09-10T16:46:24.763+0000	[##################......]  recipes.recipe_docs  43723/55955  (78.1%)
2021-09-10T16:46:27.763+0000	[####################....]  recipes.recipe_docs  47223/55955  (84.4%)
2021-09-10T16:46:30.764+0000	[#####################...]  recipes.recipe_docs  49676/55955  (88.8%)
2021-09-10T16:46:33.764+0000	[######################..]  recipes.recipe_docs  52434/55955  (93.7%)
2021-09-10T16:46:36.763+0000	[#######################.]  recipes.recipe_docs  55068/55955  (98.4%)
2021-09-10T16:46:36.885+0000	[########################]  recipes.recipe_docs  55955/55955  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:46:37.179+0000	done dumping recipes.recipe_docs (55955 documents)
2021-09-10T16:46:37.182+0000	writing captured oplog to
2021-09-10T16:46:37.191+0000		dumped 58 oplog entries
Fri Sep 10 16:46:37 UTC 2021
Fri Sep 10 16:46:37 UTC 2021
S3 object: s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive
Running: aws s3 cp "2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive" "s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive"
upload: ./2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive to s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-45-39_UTC.archive
Fri Sep 10 16:46:49 UTC 2021

Archive a single collection to S3 using AWS profile

Options include:

  • backup a single collection from the specified database
  • gzip compress the backup
  • use a secondary replicaset node rather than the primary node
  • use a preconfigured AWS profile for the passing of AWS credentials
  • point in time backup using --oplog
  • archive backup (backs up to archive format)
docker run --name mongodump-s3 --rm \
  -e "AWS_PROFILE=self" \
  -e "AWS_S3_BUCKET=rl.mongodb" \
  -e "MONGO_READPREFERENCE=secondary" \
  -e "MONGO_URI=mongodb://host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_GZIP=true" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_OPLOG=true" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_DB=recipes" \
  -e "MONGODUMP_COLLECTION=ingedient_docs" \
  --mount type=bind,source=/Users/username/.aws,target=/root/.aws \

Output will look as thus:

Running mongodump
Backup name: 2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive
Fri Sep 10 16:54:59 UTC 2021
2021-09-10T16:54:59.660+0000	writing recipes.ingredient_docs to archive '2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive'
2021-09-10T16:55:02.622+0000	[##################......]  recipes.ingredient_docs  2985/3786  (78.8%)
2021-09-10T16:55:04.209+0000	[########################]  recipes.ingredient_docs  3786/3786  (100.0%)
2021-09-10T16:55:04.693+0000	done dumping recipes.ingredient_docs (3786 documents)
Fri Sep 10 16:55:04 UTC 2021
Fri Sep 10 16:55:04 UTC 2021
S3 object: s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive
Running: aws s3 cp "2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive" "s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive"
upload: ./2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive to s3://rl.mongodb/2021-09-10_16-54-59_UTC-recipes-ingredient_docs.archive
Fri Sep 10 16:55:08 UTC 2021