
A saner handling of the environmental handling the conda command provides

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A saner handling of Anaconda environments with the conda command.


  1. Install Anaconda without doing 'conda init' or adding anything to your .bashrc or .bash_profile.

  2. Edit your .bashrc to contain the following:

      export ANACONDA_PATH=/opt/anaconda3
      function conda() { source ~/Scripts/conda.source "$@" }

    where you replace /opt/anaconda3 with the path where you have installed Anaconda, and ~/Scripts/conda.source with the path to the conda.source script in this repository.

  3. Open a new terminal window or log out and log in again.

After this, you can use the conda command more or less as usual. However, your Anaconda installation does not affect anything at in your system before you do a 'conda activate ' (or 'conda activate' for the bundled default conda environment in the version of Anaconda you installed). Hence, before that, your Python version remains your system Python, no Anaconda python libraries are intermixed with your system python libraries etc. After issuing conda activate <environment>, you have access to your conda environment as usual. When you do conda deactive, you return to an environment that is not affected by your Anaconda installation.