My Project Name

Writing down Markdown examples here.

This project implements a simple HTTP server with a protected POST endpoint. Users must be authenticated to access the endpoint.

Endpoint Description

POST /post

This endpoint allows authenticated users to post data to the server. The following sequence diagram illustrates the interaction between the client and the server for this endpoint.

You could explain your project with diagrams in Mermaid. For example, the following "mermaid" block will render the diagram below.

    participant C as Client
    participant S as Server

    C->>S: POST /post
    alt Not Authenticated
        S->>C: 401 Unauthorized
    else Authenticated
        S->>C: Request Data?
        C->>S: Send Data
        S->>C: 200 OK, Response Data
    participant C as Client
    participant S as Server

    C->>S: POST /post
    alt Not Authenticated
        S->>C: 401 Unauthorized
    else Authenticated
        S->>C: Request Data?
        C->>S: Send Data
        S->>C: 200 OK, Response Data


You can install the server by following the instructions below.

In the following example, I use sh for highlighting syntax.

git clone
cd your-project
npm install
npm start
git clone
cd your-project
npm install
npm start


Run the tests with the following command:

npm test

Run a script in package.json


npm run prettier
# Pro-tip: Adding alias nr="npm run" is handy!
nr prettier


Writing Markdown is not straightforward. In VSCode, Control+Shift+P to open the command pallet. Then search "Markdown Open Preview". This preview window is really helpful.

Notes for future development

  • Microservice package.json ** has a "bin" field; points "node-app" to ./dist/index.cjs file we build.
  • Microservice CI/CD ** This is a much more involved process. It will need to run in Azure DevOps.