
The monorepo for ReconJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Yet Another State Management Library

ReconJS is an extension of React which adds better state management support.

  • Share State between Distant Components
  • Data Loading
  • Non-Global Lifecycles
  • Actions & Transitions

NOTE: This library is a work-in-progress.

Hello World

import { use, useState } from "react"
import { atomic } from "@reconjs/react"

import { fetchTranslated } from "..." // you

const useGreetingAtom = atomic (async () => {
  return await fetchTranslated ("en", "Hello")

const useAudienceAtom = atomic (() => {
  const [ audience, setAudience ] = useState ("World")
  return { audience, setAudience }

function Page () {
  const _greeting = useGreetingAtom()
  const _audience = useAudienceAtom()

  const greeting = use (_greeting)
  const { audience } = use (_audience)

  // Hello World
  return <h1>{greeting} {audience}</h1>

Atomic Hooks

Hooks are a nice pattern but they have one major problem: they must belong to a React Component.

But what if I want to share state between multiple components? That's what an Atomic Hook is for! A hook that is shared between components.

Getting Started

Currently, this library isn't being published because it doesn't work yet.

v0.1 is coming in early October 2024!