# Welcome to the _**University of the first entity**_ !

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University   /     first entity-_.-- * --
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## About the _**University of the first entity**_

> Natural intellect can replace almost any degree of education, but no education can replace natural intellect.
> Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher)

### The philosophy

The philosophy of this, your and oure, `University of the first entity` is, to provide free education, in a intersectional overlapping network.
We want to unite spare loose, and may almost lost, sources of knowledge.
So we can evolve, into an gravity-center of kowledge and education.

We do not only assimilate knowledge, we also share it.
To build a center of educational-gravity, the enginge to oure force field is integration.
We invite every mastermind, out there, to join the network, of the `free-education-system`.

We think that, transparent knowledge is the key to the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness.

> We can not prevent people from building nukes, but we can teach them to not need them.
> The first entity (Founder of the `University of the first entity`)

### What we provide

What we provide, to you, is, free education and knowledge, so that you can grow and evolve, yourself, into an other master-mind, to the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness.
To do so, we handout oure products, to all, highly satisfyed, participants, for free.

### Get involved

#### Be a student

You can apply, at any time, free, as you want. Just start some where, begin with your educational adventure, to learn what and as you want. No one will push you, no one will judge you, you are a free mind, and have all rights do grow and unfold your full potential.

All we ask you for, is just one thing, on which you have to agree before your can paticipate:
All oure education material is for free, we all are working-poor, use the knowlege, that you will gain, to establish a better world in peace and, equal, happiness.
Do as we do, share for free!

#### Be a teacher

As a teacher, you can provide, at any time, to the `University of the first entity`. You can support the `University of the first entity` directly, by providing material that fit's into this entity. You can support the `University of the first entity` indirectly, by associating, your own entity, which can be it self an association, university, school, class, course or even teacher. We are, mainly, interested, in all educative materials or projects, which are for free, and provide to the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness.

## The offer

The products are categorized.
Subsequent, we handout, to you, all kind of material, that you can use, freely, for your educational progress.
Additional we introduce, you, to the `free-education-system`, on which we invite, you, to participate.

### Products

+ What are products?
+ + Products-units are entire and complexe bundles.
+ + ...

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### Material

+ What are materials?
+ + Material-units can be workbooks of exercises and alike.
+ + Material-units can be cheat-sheets and alike.
+ + ...

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### Tool's

+ What are tools?
+ + Tool-units can be software applications and alike.
+ + Tool-units can be mechanical instruments and alike.
+ + ...

- Authoring-Tools
- - https://github.com/The-first-entity/Authoring-Tools
- - `A list of tools for writers and authors.`
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### Method's

+ What are methods?
+ + Method-units can be general instructions.
+ + ...

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### ...'s

+ What is ...?
+ + ...-units can be every thing that fits nowhere else.
+ + ...

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## Partnership

### Associations

+ What is an association?
+ + An association-entity is a cooperating incorporation in the body of an idealistic group of entities.
+ + Members of an association cooperate and support each other.

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### Universities

+ What is an university?
+ + A university-entity does create knowledge.
+ + A university-entiy does teach general or specific knowledge.
+ + A university-entiy can contain different chlass-rooms.

- University-of-the-first-entity
- - https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity
- - `This is a cool university.`
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- ki_comp
- - https://github.com/reconmaster/ki_comp
- - `At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged.`
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- NYC 気 research center
- - https://github.com/ocelomeh/ki_center_nyc
- - `New York City is a hub of 気 flow in the USA. We’d like to establish a center of teaching and researching 気 technologies in NYC.`
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- University-of-the-first-entity
- - https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity
- - `https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity`
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### Schools

+ What is a school?
+ + A school-entiy does teach general or specific knowledge.
+ + A school-entiy can contain different class-rooms.

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### Classes

+ What is a class?
+ + A class-entiy does teach knowledge on a specific topic.
+ + A class-entiy can contain a set of multiple lessions.

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- Soil Makers
- - https://github.com/byrd-laif/soilMakers
- - `reConnecting, becoming a part of the circle of life soil to soul.`
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### Courses

+ What is a course?
+ + A course-entiy is one lession on a topic.

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### Teachers

+ What is a teacher?
+ + A teacher-entity is some one who like to share knowledge.
+ + A teacher-entiy can provide you with knowledge, abroad from an university, school, class or course.
+ + A teacher-entity operates most likely as a private tutor or coach.

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## Join the movement

To join the movement, of the `free-education-system` is easy.
You can use this, or a similar, template, as a pretext, to the entry-point as a lobby, of your `free-education-entity`. You can adjust the template, to your needs.
This lets you to design, your own `free-education-entity` lobby, for students, based on, theyr, cultural norms. It will allow, your `free-education-entity`, to proliferate, in different cultures, which will improve and provide to goal of the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness This will enable, you, to build, your, independent, `free-education-entity`, under the banner of the `free-education-system` for the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness. To build, independent, `free-education-entities`, that are simply working, under the banner of the `free-education-system` for the future, peaceful and better world of, equal, happiness, will allow for a greater variety of ideas to arise.

By doing so, you agree and commit yourself, to the philosphy and spirit of the `free-education-system`.

## Manual

### Your kick-start to join the movement.

#### The concept

Create your own GitHub account.
Create your `free-education-entity`.
Create your entry-point as a lobby, to your `free-education-entity`, with this template.
Customize your lobby, by adding your content to where it fits in.
You can, directly, link to other projects, of your own or any one else.

Commit to other projects to improve, theyr and by that your, content.
Let others to commit to your `free-education-entity` projects, to let them improve your content.

#### Using this template

1) Copy this template, to your `free-education-entity` project entry-point, to create the lobby.
2) Adjust the template to your needs under it's conditions.
3) Add your `free-education-entities`, where they fit in.
4) Make, the resulting document, your `free-education-entity` project entry-point.

#### Create subdivisions as an advanced technique

Open a console window. Create a directory on you local machine and name it the same as your GitHub account. This will reflect your GitGub account on your local machine.

MD "<PATH>\The-first-entity"

Change into the newly created, local, working directory.

cd "<PATH>\GitHub\The-first-entity\"
##### Clone your project from GitHub to your local account directory

Clone your project from GitHub to the, local, working directory, on your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity

Change the, local, working directory, to your, newly cloned, project directory.

cd "<PATH>\GitHub\The-first-entity\University-of-the-first-entity"

Update all submodules from GitHub to your, local, working directory.

git submodule update --remote --recursive
##### Create a new submodule

Add a new submodule to your local directory.

git submodule add https://github.com/The-first-entity/Authoring-Tools Authoring-Tools/

Push your new submodule to GitHub

git add Authoring-Tools/
git commit -m "feat: Create submodule The-first-entity/Authoring-Tools"
git push
##### Update your local submodules from GitHub to your, local, working directory.

Update you local submodule.

cd Authoring-Tools/
git fetch
git merge origin/University-of-the-first-entity

Update all local submodules.

git submodule update --remote --recursive
##### Status

Enable the config option status.submodulesummary.

git config status.submodulesummary

Get the status.

git status
##### Delete your submodule

Move back to your local project working directory.

cd ..

Desintegrate a submodule.

git submodule deinit Authoring-Tools/

Delete a submodule from GitHub.

git rm Authoring-Tools/
git commit -m "feat: Remove The-first-entity/Authoring-Tools submodule"
git push

Remove the local working directory.

rmdir /S /Q .git\modules\Authoring-Tools

## Impressum

- Direction:
- - @The-first-entity
- - https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity/
- - `Founder of the University of the first entity`
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- Website:
- - University of the first entity
- - https://github.com/The-first-entity/University-of-the-first-entity/
- - `The website.`
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- $04.07.2022$-`University of the first entity`