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Its Lenny Dialplan created by lgeatz & Ramblin from the PIAF Forums

It's Lenny Sip Service provided by (now defunct, need to merge with POSSA version)

Specifically this thread

Credit from the original Dial Plan ; AN EXERCISE IN BAD DIALPLAN DESIGN ; (What better test ground than on telemarketers?) ;; Should I admit this? Written by Steve Murphy, Electronic Tools Co.

This is a dial plan that loops and carrys on in an attempt to really annoy Telemarketers. Most end with take us off your list, but the telemarketer has to get there first.......

Original Dial Plan Author/ Teletorture: Steve Murphy Audio Prompts: Steve Murphy Originally Ported to FreePBX module by: James Finstrom <jfinstrom [at] gmail [dot] com Kids dont try this at home based on: