WordPress + MariaDB + PMA Docker Compose

This is a simple Docker Compose example for setting up local WordPress with PMA and MariaDB.


  • WordPress 6.4.3
  • PMA (latest)
  • MariaDB 10.6.4


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/recoskyler/wordpress-docker-compose && cd wordpress-docker-compose
  2. Create a .env file: cp sample.env .env
  3. Create a directory named ai1wm-backups if it does not exist
  4. Move your All-in-one WP Migration .wpress backup file(s) to the newly created ai1wm-backups directory
  5. Run the containers: docker compose up -d
  6. Open the admin panel(http://localhost:8080) and install the All-in-one WP Migration plugin
  7. Follow the steps here to allow backup restore


WP will be available at http://localhost:8080


PMA will be available at http://localhost:8081


Used Gist by @erikyuzwa. Thank you!

By recoskyler - 2024