Pinned issues
Proposal: optimized functions to multiply 3 matrices at once without using _mulN
#124 opened by recp
- 14
Non-square matrix * column vector multiplication implemented as row vector * matrix multiplication
#385 opened by Error-mdl - 0
- 0
Call API doesn't support macro definitions
#454 opened by Lephar - 2
glm_perspective() in docs says it outputs to a mat4, but it actually outputs to a vec4.
#453 opened by Oglo12 - 5
- 2
glms_quat_mat4 and glms_quat_mat4t and glms_quat_mat3 and glms_quat_mat3t are declared but not defined
#448 opened by metaleap - 3
Documentation inaccuracies
#439 opened by Panadero1 - 2
CMake build not generating Makefile
#440 opened by satwik-krit - 3
- 3
Propsal to remove .vscode folder
#436 opened by master30f - 3
Inverted clip space handedness terminology
#435 opened by master30f - 8
Adding `.clang-format` ??
#433 opened by MarcinKonowalczyk - 1
[minor feature] Add macros usable as initializers
#432 opened by pm4gh - 1
Inaccurate comments in include/cglm/vec3-ext.h
#427 opened by pm4gh - 1
[feat] ivec struct api operations
#431 opened by duarm - 1
- 1
- 1
cglm_vec4_ucopy not defined inside cglm/mat2.h
#425 opened by m4reQ - 3
(swift package as dependency) xcode build with modules enabled breaks CGLM_FORCE_*
#424 opened by John-Colvin - 1
refract implementation
#422 opened by gottfriedleibniz - 3
double types for vectors
#400 opened by STCollier - 2
Add a build.zig to support building with zig
#418 opened by ali-shahwali - 1
glm_vec3() args
#419 opened by harryprogramer - 5
Quaternion New Features
#344 opened by recp - 4
- 5
No rule for euler.c
#376 opened by altnavi - 3
- 3
- 0
- 3
- 5
Collision Detection
#393 opened by duarm - 2
Struct API for ivec2s, ivec3s, and ivec4s
#382 opened by tarhses - 4
Should there be a dot product for integer vectors?
#380 opened by vitassuper - 2
`glms_project_z` missing
#365 opened by v1993 - 2
`glms_rotate_atm` has wrong signature
#368 opened by v1993 - 2
- 1
(feature request) mulsub functions
#363 opened by BeeverFeever - 2
Documentation for non-square matrices should not claim that `mul` function inputs can all be the same matrix
#371 opened by v1993 - 2
`struct/clipspace/project_*.h` headers are broken
#366 opened by v1993 - 1
- 3
- 1
`glms_vec4_inv` does not actually exist
#358 opened by v1993 - 0
linear extrapolation
#353 opened by zmn28hgbn59kcmlpio8unfh7fdre523esd28q9a - 1
functions for vec to ivec conversion
#352 opened by duarm - 2
How do I mirror the camera along the X axis without offsetting the camera's position?
#336 opened by badasahog - 3
Improve glm_quat_conjugate
#342 opened by gottfriedleibniz - 1
- 5
include/cglm/io.h:70:38: error: unused parameter 'ostream' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]
#327 opened by yurivict - 7
How to generate wasm file.
#320 opened by 823639792 - 0
Missing Handed / Clipspace bound implementations
#322 opened by recp