
Primary LanguagePython



Install required python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Original CSV data can be split into chunks of 1000 essays each using this command (assuming it is available in a directory called data):

mkdir data/essays
python split_csv.py data/essays.csv 1000 data/essays/essays

These were processed using the standard German NLP pipeline of spacy and saved as json using multiple CPUs, 40 in this example (output size will be around 184 GB):

nice parallel -j40 ./run.sh {} ::: {0..109}

Word count

A simple word count based on lemmas detected by spacy can be performed by running the following command, this also maintains separate counts for each SKZ code.

nice python count_mr.py --runner=local data/essays/ana/*.jsonl >

This command will use all available cores for a local map-reduce job (temporarily creating files for a hadoop job, which includes duplicating the input data). Using different runners it can also be run using e.g. Spark or Amazon EMR, see this document for details.

Word count by PLZ

This word count can be aggregated by PLZ-s like this:

cat data/essays_word_count_by_skz_sorted.tsv | python counts_to_plz.py data/skz_to_address_postcode.csv > data/essays_word_count_by_plz_sorted.tsv

This will also print to stderr the SKZ codes missing from the map:

unknown SKZs: 304056,1100006,205046,922706,1132235,1132236,1132211,1132210


The langdetect package was used to determine the primary language of each document. Remaining stats are calculated for German essays only.

Language distribution (based on ~10% of essays):

  • de: 9628
  • en: 363
  • cs: 4
  • sk: 2
  • it: 1
  • el: 1
  • ca: 1

Corpus stats on German essays:

  • Corpus size: 655M tokens (of which standard punctuation: 79M, rest: 576M)
  • Vocabulary: 8.7M
  • Avg. tokens / document : 6703
  • Avg. sentences / doc: 505


  • raw: 8.7M
  • letters-only strings only: 3.8M, coverage of all tokens (without standard punct): 85.9%
  • letters-only with at least 10 occurrences: 593K, coverage: 84.7%

Topic modeling

  • creating bag-of-words matrix from preprocessed corpus:
pv data/essays/ana/essays_*.jsonl | python to_bow.py data/essays_vocab_min10.txt data/essays_bow_min10.npz
  • training LDA model after simple vocabulary filtering (see filter_vocab.py) for 25 topics using 40 workers:
python lda_train.py -c data/essays_bow_min10.npz -m models/essays_filtered_max100k_lda_25 -v data/essays_vocab_min10.txt -w data/essays_vocab_filtered_max100k.txt  -n 25 -j 40

This will also save the filtered vocabulary for subsequent analysis

  • printing top words of each topic (to topics.png):
python lda_test.py -m models/essays_filtered_max100k_lda_25 -v data/essays_vocab_filtered_max100k.txt