
Lets get together and get endorsed

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-Train Intro

The E-Train (AKA Endorsement Train but Ren can't spell endorsement constantly enough to call it that) is a online app to make it easy for Hack Reactor Students to build an online relationships with their peers.

A Peer group in the app are people who are - In the Same Cohort as the person - In the Senior or Junior Cohort to that person - Are in a Cohort that graduated at the same time as a person.

If a Hack Reactor Grad can successfully network and endorse all the persons in theres groups, that would mean 90 Connections and Endorsements to help kick start their engineering careers.

Quick Start Development

  1. Clone the Repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Create a .env file
  1. Start Webpack with npm run react-dev
  2. Start Local Server with npm run start:dev

Workflow for Change Requests and Bug Squashes

  1. Create an Issue. Please detail the task you are completing.
  2. Create a branch called 'feature/ Example, if your github issue is #133 your branch would be feature/133
  3. When you submit commits, include a #yourIssueID Example: "#133 Changed the Color of the Title Page"
  4. Create a Pull request to the TEST-MASTER branch. Request from a someone who is not you.

Front End Pages

  • App Entry point the app. TODO: THERE IS NO REAL ROUTING RIGHT NOW Routing is currently handled by creating a map of pages called "pageMap" where the key is a string representing the desired page. The map returns the JSX React object which is passes to the return command.

  • Check Presence Will use a linkedin link to determine if a user is already part of the endorsement train. If not, will take the user to the Add User Page. If a user is in the train, will go to Welcome Page

  • Add User Used to add a user to the Endorsement Train.

  • Welcome The landing page for users already in the endorsement Train

API Routes