Space Shooter: The Secret Lift of Sprites

This game was made as part of the TAG Lesson (Session 4 for Javascript After School Lesson and Best Kids After School Program).

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to identify what a sprite is

  • Students will learn how a Sprite is added to a game

This game also contributes to the goal of building a collection of working demo games that will encourage students to start hacking/breaking/ and making these games their own.

Game Objective

This a classic space shooter where you shoot the enemy ships before they shoot you.

Lesson Objectives

The game starts with one bad guy, 'Bison'.

Instructors will work with students to complete the steps of adding new baddies and thus up the difficulty of the game.


  1. Add an image in Preload (Just an Uncomment, //--- Preload Task--//)

  2. Add Rules Code (Just an Uncomment, //--- Create Task--//)

  3. Add Collision detection Task Code in Update (Just an Uncomment, //--- Update Task--//)


When the instructor first boots the game the controls are:

Bot 1 controls are Space = Shoot Up Arrow Key = Up Down Arrow Key = Down

Playing / Modifying the Game

The code is designed to be manipulated in the Fiddler.js editor. This web based editor is available on DCPS computers.

If not in the classroom or on DCPS computers, It is suggested to Brackets IDE for development or any local server for testing and development.

To play the base game, you can find it here:

Built With

  • Phaser.js 2.6.2


@notserk @colwus @Christina


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details