
Unexpected refractoring of nullable datetime field

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When running rector with the doctrine exension:

1) src/Cashback/Domain/Model/CashbackClaim.php:57

    ---------- begin diff ----------
@@ @@
      * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
-    private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate = null;
+    private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate;

      * @ORM\Column(length="256")
@@ @@

@@ @@
         $uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
         $this->entityId = $uuid->toString();
+        $this->orderDetailsOrderDate = new \DateTime(null);

The result is unexpected as it did add:

$this->orderDetailsOrderDate = new \DateTime(null);

Which should just stay as:

private ?DateTimeInterface $orderDetailsOrderDate = null;

Thank you for your report!

We'll need an isolated failing demo link from:,
that way we can reproduce the bug.

@TomasVotruba Oh thanks for the fast response, here is the reproducable:

Thanks. The next step is to identify which rule should behave differently and what you expect to output.
Could you send the failing test fixture to the picked rule?

Its the MoveCurrentDateTimeDefaultInEntityToConstructorRector:

See as a possible fix: #45