- 6
PHP 8.4 Implicitly marking parameter as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead
#352 opened by PhilETaylor - 2
Doctrine Annotations silently dropped during Attributes migration due to syntax error
#348 opened by caugner - 9
The rule `ImproveDoctrineCollectionDocTypeInEntityRector` does not keep Intersection types
#342 opened by julienfastre - 5
#315 opened by j-dobr - 5
- 3
[DOCUMENTATION] The main shows an outdated way of converting attribute
#327 opened by alexis-boyer - 1
TypedPropertyFromToOneRelationTypeRector should taken into account parent definition
#305 opened by oleg-andreyev - 2
- 0
Refactor getReference adding $class parameter
#310 opened by aniltonjunior - 0
Shouldn't it be `DoctrineSetList::DOCTRINE_ORM_219`?
#306 opened by mvhirsch - 3
- 4
- 1
Class constants `Criteria::ASC|DESC` are deprecated in favor of `Doctrine\Common\Collection\Order`
#296 opened by julienfastre - 3
Classes constants `Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_*` deprecated in favor of `Doctrine\ORM\Query\TokenType::T_*`
#294 opened by julienfastre - 1
- 3
EventSubscriberInterfaceToAttributeRector does not take into account EventSubscriberInterface
#282 opened by oleg-andreyev - 2
- 6
New rule for "Passing an array for the first argument to QueryBuilder::select() is deprecated"
#218 opened by rpkamp - 2
- 2
- 2
- 6
New rule to replace string literals with DBAL Types constants in Column attributes
#238 opened by stof - 2
- 2
support for @Assert
#225 opened by lcp0578 - 1
- 1
Faulty type-hinting and nullable state
#226 opened by hildebro - 1
rector doctrine for odm mongodb
#220 opened by hamdinh98 - 0
- 3
ShouldNotHappenException entity not found with MoveRepositoryFromParentToConstructorRector
#189 opened by ToshY - 1
[Rule Idea] Add a rule which remove automatically unneeded postgresql schema migrations
#162 opened by alexander-schranz - 2
Add DoctrinePHPDocInfoRector to fix Entity PHPDoc by Doctrine Metadata
#141 opened by alexander-schranz - 5
Add rule to update string events with constants
#146 opened by stefantalen - 3
- 8
Table attribute can be removed when become empty after migration from annotations to attributes
#156 opened by yguedidi - 2
ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES set removes all annotations rather than only the converted to attributes
#151 opened by AlexeyKosov - 3
- 7
ManyToOne relations with JoinColumns are not being replaced with an array of JoinColumn
#132 opened by pedrocasado - 3
RemoveRedundantDefaultPropertyAnnotationValuesRector is adding one more line instead of replacing the existing one
#135 opened by pedrocasado - 2
Annotation to attributes rector isn't complete
#116 opened by b1rdex - 4
- 2
- 1
`DOCTRINE_DBAL_210` incorrectly renames some `Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type` usages
#100 opened by Blacksmoke16 - 1
- 2
- 0
CorrectDefaultTypesOnEntityPropertyRector not working for ClassConstant initialized properties
#84 opened by mkrauser - 2
- 1
- 1
Rector forces FQN for `\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types`
#74 opened by simPod - 1
- 3
Rules not working for entities using php 8 attributes
#65 opened by aszenz