- 0
[CodeQuality] Add parent setUp() method call
#361 opened by TomasVotruba - 4
WithConsecutiveRector is not working as expected
#327 opened by nicolashohm - 2
AnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector not applied due to DoctrineAnnotationTagValueNode
#297 opened by mfn - 6
- 3
NamedArgumentForDataProviderRector changes data providers that it doesn't need to
#346 opened by gnutix - 2
NamedArgumentForDataProviderRector not working because the class DataProvider is using a scoped rector version
#344 opened by gnutix - 9
Rule to replace assertObjectHasAttribute and assertObjectNotHasAttribute with property_exists
#341 opened by alexander-schranz - 1
PHPUnit rules work only with withRules option
#342 opened by chithract - 1
Set `PHPUNIT_100` and `AssertIssetToSpecificMethodRector::refactorPropertyFetchNode()` should be mutually exclusive
#336 opened by phansys - 4
Incorrect implementation of WithConsecutiveRector
#311 opened by f-albert - 2
- 6
PreferPHPUnitSelfCallRector not part of any set
#317 opened by staabm - 7
- 2
- 2
- 15
[PHPUnit 10] DataProviderAnnotationToAttributeRector does not "find" tests class not inheriting directly from PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
#296 opened by allan-simon - 3
Missing deprecation from phpunit 10?
#292 opened by bbrala - 1
- 4
- 7
Replace testWith to dataproviders
#281 opened by eerison - 10
- 4
- 1
AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector is applying for tests, that have indirect assert
#273 opened by eerison - 0
[PHPUnit 10] Update withConsecuive() from getInvocationCount() to numberOfInvocations()
#268 opened by TomasVotruba - 0
- 12
Is there any rule to float?
#256 opened by eerison - 1
- 3
Would it be possible for AnnotationToAttributeRector to check if the annotation is already there?
#183 opened by HenkPoley - 6
Use AddVoidReturnTypeWhereNoReturnRector on classes extending TestCase
#113 opened by alexander-schranz - 1
`AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector` incorrectly adds `@doesNotPerformAssertions` annotation
#165 opened by Wirone - 2
AnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector for @testWith annotation to (repeatable) #[TestWith] PHP 8 attribute
#191 opened by kaczenski - 2
- 4
[PHPUnit 10] abstract *Test rename to *TestCase: some use/extends statements not updated with new *TestCase class name
#162 opened by arderyp - 5
- 4
`AssertTrueFalseToSpecificMethodRector` class incorrectly assumes `class-string` is an `object`
#198 opened by ghostwriter - 3
- 2
phpunit fails with `assert($startLine > 0)`
#169 opened by staabm - 8
Do not replace method covers annotations with attributes in CoversAnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector
#149 opened by jnoordsij - 6
- 3
- 4
- 1
Data providers may come from extended classes
#142 opened by marmichalski - 3
Add a rector turning data providers into static methods
#126 opened by stof - 5
- 6
- 5
RemoveDataProviderTestPrefixRector does not take class inheritance into account
#85 opened by danflanagan8 - 0
`AddDoesNotPerformAssertionToNonAssertingTestRector` erroneously added with only `Mockery` assertion(s)
#75 opened by Blacksmoke16 - 0
- 1
- 2