
Webpack4 boilerplate for Elm and Tailwindcss

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT




Serve locally:

yarn dev
  • Access app at http://localhost:8080/
  • Get coding! The entry point file is src/elm/Main.elm
  • Browser will refresh automatically on any file changes, including css.

To analyse your elm code, look for deficiencies and apply best practices, use:

yarn elm-analyse
  • Access the web client at http://localhost:3000

Build & bundle for production:

There are presets related to production. Presets:

  • compress: Use WebpackCompressionPlugin
  • analyze: Use WebpackBundleAnalyzer
yarn prod
yarn prod:<preset> # <- This is the pattern for the presets, defined in package.json
yarn prod:compress
yarn prod:analyze

You can add your own presets to test functionality without breaking the working build.

  • Files are saved into the /dist folder
  • To check it, open dist/index.html


Started from this boilerplate