A simple react application for sharing things about myself, and the projects I have built. A bit of a portfolio site if you will.
This site was built in a rather ad-hoc fashion, with a focus on getting something up and running, rather than long-term maintainability. There are no tests (not that many are needed).
With a few modifications this app could be very generic so that anyone could use it for their portfolio page.
Cloned from the boilerplate: https://github.com/flexdinesh/react-redux-boilerplate
- Simple, mobile first / responsive design.
- Home page with intro/about me.
- Projects page that loads projects from json for easy modification/management.
- Searchable/Sortable skills page that loads skills from json for easy modification/management.
- Contact page with validations, that provides a form for communication, so you can keep your email private.
- Compact react components for easy modification.
- Bulma / SCSS for easy style changes.
This project now assumes it will exist inside of an express server project folder, that uses /public to serve files from. So.. when running the build process in this project, it will build to projectRoot/../public. The server currently used can be found at https://github.com/recursion/rec-labs-server.
Easiest way to get the full project is:
clone the server.
git clone https://github.com/recursion/rec-labs-server
install server deps.
cd rec-labs-server
npm install
clone the client - rename to client.
git clone https://github.com/recursion/recursions-laboratory client
install client deps.
cd client
npm install
npm build
The client can be developed fully independantly of the server, but the server does need a client in /public to work.
[ ] Modularize all project text, so that it can be easily edited from json files. The text in the Intro component is a great target for this. Any other titles, or text that woulc be personalized from user to user could also be moved into its own json file (general.json - or something similar). [ ] Custom theme/style packs could be implemented, so that users could customize the layout/style easily. [ ] .toJS() calls need to be isolated to selectors only. There were a few spots I used these in an incorrect location, and these need to be consolidated.
Not that any are required, but I'm open to any contributions that make sense.
MIT license, Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Symmes