
Golang helpers for testing

Primary LanguageGo


Golang helpers for testing.

NOTE This is a public repo.

Collection Assertions

This repository includes several new assertions: Any, All, None, AtLeast, AtMost, and Exactly. These can be wrapped around existing assertions to perform the assertion on every element of a collection.


So([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, Any(ShouldEqual), 4)
So([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, Exactly(2, ShouldBeLessThan), 3)

This lets you perform an assertion on a collection without making assumptions regarding the order of the elements. For example:

So(printings, Any(ShouldHaveId), id)

You may not want to write many different complex assertions like ShouldHaveNameAndIdAndAddressAndBlah to test multiple properties of a single collection element together, so the utility JoinComparisons can be used to construct these for you. For example:

type testStruct struct {
  Name string
  Id   int

testSlice := []testStruct{
    Name: "Alice",
    Id:   1,
    Name: "Bob",
    Id:   2,

So(testSlice, Exactly(1, func(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
  return JoinComparisons([]string{
    ShouldEqual(actual.(testStruct).Name, "Alice"),
    ShouldEqual(actual.(testStruct).Id, 1),

So(testSlice, Exactly(1, func(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
  return JoinComparisons([]string{
    ShouldEqual(actual.(testStruct).Name, "Bob"),
    ShouldEqual(actual.(testStruct).Id, 2),

Other Assertions

Contains custom assertions that work with goconvey.

For example, if we have some code that returns an error:

package thehulk

import (

type Hulk struct {
	isHulked bool

func (h *Hulk) Hulkify(angerLevel int) error {
	if angerLevel < 3 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Not angry enough: %d", angerLevel)
	h.isHulked = true
	return nil

We might test it like this:

package thehulk_test

import (

	. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
	. "github.com/recursionpharma/go-testutils/assertions"

func TestHulkify (t *testing.T) {

	Convey("Given an anger level", t, func() {

		Convey("If the anger is too low, an error should be returned", func() {
			angerLevel := 2
			err := h.Hulkify(angerLevel)
			So(err, ShouldHaveErrorMessageWithSubstring, fmt.Sprintf("%d", angerLevel))

		Convey("If the anger is high enough, no error should be returned", func() {
			err := h.Hulkify(5)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

This repo

|-- assertions/
|   contains custom assertions that work with goconvey
|-- .editorconfig
|   configures default for displaying files (e.g. in github PRs)
|-- .gitignore
|   git ignored files
|-- Gopkg.lock
|   go dep file
|-- Gopkg.toml
|   go dep file
|-- README.md
|   this file
`-- .travis.yml
    travis configuration

The above file tree was generated with tree -a -F -L 1 --charset ascii.