
I need to use fusictr2.0+for DIN/DIEN benchmark testing. How should I write the file

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I need to use fusictr2.0+for DIN/DIEN benchmark testing. How should I write the file

What is the reason for the error message when introducing RankDataLoader?

import os
import sys
import logging
import fuxictr_version
from fuxictr import datasets
from datetime import datetime
from fuxictr.utils import load_config, set_logger, print_to_json, print_to_list
from fuxictr.features import FeatureMap
from fuxictr.pytorch.dataloaders import RankDataLoader
from fuxictr.pytorch.torch_utils import seed_everything
from fuxictr.preprocess import FeatureProcessor, build_dataset
import src
import gc
import argparse
import os
from pathlib import Path

This is a specific error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dyy/Prediction-Cache/FuxiCTR/model_zoo/DIEN/", line 35, in
from fuxictr.pytorch.dataloaders import RankDataLoader
ImportError: cannot import name 'RankDataLoader' from 'fuxictr.pytorch.dataloaders' (/home/dyy/miniconda3/envs/deepCtr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fuxictr/pytorch/dataloaders/

Please use the exactly the same version specified in the above running steps. In your case, you use in mater but use an old version fuxictr package installed.

cd FuxiCTR/model_zoo/DIEN

The code of the working directory should come from the same version of the your fuxictr installed.