- 0
When to update other models
#40 opened by houWenK - 1
Why is it that most model directories do not have a file named ``?
#39 opened by Zeng-B-B - 0
#38 opened by zhujiem - 0
- 1
- 1
Is fuxctr<=1.x a must?
#35 opened by ywangwxd - 0
- 1
about code for NIA-GCN
#33 opened by Xueqi-Li - 3
- 4
- 3
Unable to reproduce the AUC of FinalNet
#30 opened by hellowodex - 1
About the DIEN sequence model
#32 opened by dengyayin - 1
- 3
I need to use fusictr2.0+for DIN/DIEN benchmark testing. How should I write the file
#29 opened by dengyayin - 1
jit.trace not working for the models
#25 opened by santoshcoder23 - 1
the method of embedding table initialization for different CTR prediction models
#27 opened by Zeng-B-B - 1
- 3
关于 TaobaoAd_x1 数据集
#24 opened by lemyx - 1
关于 model_config.yaml 中的模型后缀
#23 opened by lemyx - 1
MovielensLatest_x1 dataset link is broken
#22 opened by ThyrixYang - 2
sequential models
#13 opened by chqiwang - 2
Taobao dataset result and config
#12 opened by W-lw - 1
parameter setting for BCEloss on yelp2018
#11 opened by junkangwu - 1
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按照Running steps做的结果和README中的logs信息不一致
#17 opened by SSBCL-zjgsu - 1
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Experimental Results on Gowalla dataset
#15 opened by trannhuthuat96 - 0
#14 opened by MTandHJ - 14
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- 0
#7 opened by zhujiem - 2
Add papers to the model list
#1 opened by zhujiem - 2
download csv and use h5
#6 opened by chuxiaoyi2018 - 6
Data format mismatch
#5 opened by sdfsfdx - 1
#4 opened by Aliang-CN - 1
#3 opened by JoshonSmith - 1
FuxiCTR 何时开源
#2 opened by JoshonSmith