Green effects module system with optional GUI

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

a Quark for SuperCollider


Green effects module system with optional GUI. Modules automatically adapt to any number of channels.

Based on the older redModule in the redSys quark.

Provides SynthDef+Synth construction, pseudo UGen support, code<->GUI linkage and automatic GUI generation with minimal code (see Modules folder - basically just an *ar method and some specs).

Basic example:

a= {SinOsc.ar([400, 404], 0, 0.25)}.play;

b= GFXPch2();
b.pch2Mix= 0.5;
b.pch2Ratio= 2;

c= b.gui;  //optional GUI. Notice the code<->gui linkage

r= GFX_Rack();
t= r.gui;

c.close; b.free; a.free; r.free; t.close;


SuperCollider version 3.9 or newer running under macOS, Linux or Windows.




Optional GUI

A GUI is provided. For effect modules it is generated dynamically, and the effects rack is stacking modules in a scrolling window.

There are a couple of different versions, and one can also set the look and feel by editing the skin (GUI.skins.guiCV provided by GUICV)

GFX_RackGUI version 0 screenshot GFX_RackGUI version 1 screenshot

GFXPch2GUI version 0 screenshot GFXPch2GUI version 1 screenshot

GFXTankGUI version 0 screenshot GFXTankGUI version 1 screenshot