
patterns acting as ugens

Primary LanguageSuperCollider

a Quark for SuperCollider

install it from within supercollider with the command Quarks.install("UGenPatterns") and then recompile.

See Overview -> UGenPatterns in the help system.


The main idea behind the UGenPatterns quark is to take advantage of the interface we've already learned by using the normal audio UGens. It simplifies things like LFO modulation on a stream of numbers. No need to do the math - just reuse the knowledge you have about how for example SinOsc works.


  • PBlip
  • PClipNoise
  • PCuspN
  • PDC
  • PDust
  • PDust2
  • PExpRand
  • PFBSineN
  • PFSinOsc
  • PGbmanN
  • PHenonN
  • PImpulse
  • PIRand
  • PLatoocarfianN
  • PLFClipNoise
  • PLFNoise0
  • PLFNoise1
  • PLFNoise2
  • PLFPulse
  • PLFSaw
  • PLFTri
  • PLinCongN
  • PLine
  • PLorenzN
  • PMouseButton1
  • PMouseX2
  • PMouseY2
  • PPulse
  • PQuadN
  • PRand
  • PSaw
  • PSilent
  • PSinOsc
  • PWhiteNoise
  • PXLine


  • PBPZ2
  • PBRZ2
  • PClip
  • PCombN
  • PDelay1
  • PDelay2
  • PDelayN
  • PFold
  • PGate
  • PHasher
  • PHPZ1
  • PHPZ2
  • PInRange
  • PInRect
  • PIntegrator
  • PLastValue
  • PLatch
  • PLinExp
  • PLinLin
  • PLPZ1
  • PLPZ2
  • PMantissaMask
  • POnePole
  • POneZero
  • PPeak
  • PPulseCount
  • PRunningMax
  • PRunningMin
  • PSchmidt
  • PTDelay
  • PToggleFF
  • PTrig
  • PTrig1
  • PWrap


  1. macOS only with an old SuperCollider version (3.5 or earler)

  2. Qt GUI only 2