
Node, Express, GraphQL server with a Solidity Smart Contract backend!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node, Express, GraphQL server with a Solidity Smart Contract backend!

check balance make donation

Before you start

  1. Install the MetaMask Ethereum wallet (and register an account): https://metamask.io/
  2. Install: npm i -g ganache-cli (local Ethereum test network)

Running the Project

  1. git clone this repository
  2. Run npm install from the project's directory.
  3. Open the Remix IDE (https://remix.ethereum.org/) and create a new file.
  4. Copy, paste the code from the Donation.sol file (in the root of this project).
  5. Inside Remix select then injected web3 Environment option under the Run tab.
  6. Run npm start in the project's directory.

Built With

  • Node
  • Express
  • Web3
  • GraphQL
  • Solidity
  • ganache-cli


Sid Parmar LinkedIn


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