
Lugaru by Wolfire Games

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0



Fork of Lugaru with modern conan and cmake based build system and many bugfixes. Current goal is a total refactroing of the game into separate modules and removal of all globals.



Development is done with

  • Conan 2.x
  • CMake 3.27.x
  • Windows: Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
  • Linux: Make



Conan install for debug and release builds

conan install . --build=missing --settings=build_type=Debug
conan install . --build=missing --settings=build_type=Release

CMake project generation

On Windows

cmake --preset conan-default

On Linux

cmake --preset conan-debug
cmake --preset conan-release

On Windows, open the generaed solution file in the build folder. On Linux use

cmake --build build/Debug
cmake --build build/Release



The game follows a layered design. Each layer consists of one or more modules. A module can access any module in a layer below or on the same layer but not above.

|                  Lugaru                     | Lugaru Game
|                   App                       | Application Layer
|                   Game                      | Game Logic Layer
| Graphic | Animation | Objects | Environment | Graphics Layer
|                   Audio                     | Audio Layer
|  Math  |  Platform  |  Thirdparty  |  Utils | Foundation Layer

Graphics layer module dependencies

Animation -> Graphic
          -> Objects
          -> Audio
          -> Foundation

Environment -> Graphic
            -> Objects
            -> Foundation

Graphic -> Environment
        -> Objects
        -> Foundation

Objects -> Environment
        -> Graphic
        -> Animation
        -> Audio
        -> Foundation

 - Graphic/Models
 - Object/Object



The source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version (GPLv2+).

The assets (campaigns, graphical and audio assets, etc.) in the Data folder are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike license, some in version 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-SA 3.0) and others in version 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA 4.0) as described in the CONTENT-LICENSE.txt file.