
This repo contains the AWS infrastructure for the Klubby Application.

Infrastructure Components

The following section goes through the major components of the AWS infrastructure.

Back-End CICD

TODO need to add this section

To deploy the Klubby AWS Infrastructure to a new a new account you need to simply deploy the be-cicd and the fe-cicd cloudformation stacks. The dev and prod stages have this deployed to their corresponding AWS accounts.

To do so.... blah

made up of 2 codebuild projects:

  • General Deploy Project
  • Sam Deploy Project

Components deployed by the be-cicd:

  • appsync
  • etc....

Components not deployed by the be-cicd:

Front-End CICD

The FE-CICD infrasturcture is responsible for the deployment of the front-end of the Klubby Application on all device types. The following environments are currently supported:

  • webapp dev
  • webapp prod
  • iOS dev
  • iOS prod
  • Android dev
  • Android prod

A high level overview for the architecture of the Front-End CICD can be seen in the following diagram.

AppSync GraphQL API

This is the main point of integration between the front end and the back end. The GraphQL API contains the following routes:

The following seection describes the schema of the GraphQL API.

  • Conversation
    • createdAt
    • id
    • messages
  • Message
    • content
    • conversationId
    • createdAt
    • id
    • isSent
    • sender
  • MessageConnection
    • messages
    • nextToken
  • User
    • username
    • wallets
    • conversations <-- i think we can rm
  • UserConversations <--- rename UserConversationBridge
    • name <--- todo think if we want/need
    • associated <--- todo i dont think we need
    • conversation <--- todo this should just be conversationId
    • read <--- todo this should be an attribute of a message
    • conversationId <--- we have both conversation and conversationId
    • username
  • UserConversationsConnection <--- why do we need this
  • getAllUsers: [User]
  • getUserWallets(username: String!): User
  • getAllMessages(after: String, conversationId: ID!, first: Int): [Message]
  • getAllMessageConnections(after: String, conversationId: ID!, first: Int): MessageConnection
  • getAllMessagesFrom(after: String, conversationId: ID!, first: Int, sender: String!): [Message]
  • getMe: User
  • createConversation(createdAt: String, id: ID!, name: String!): Conversation
  • createMessage(content: String, conversationId: ID!, createdAt: String!, id: ID!): Message
  • createUserConversationBridge(conversationId: ID!, username: ID!): UserConversations
  • updateUser(username: String!,wallets: String!): User
  • subscribeToNewMessage(conversationId: ID!): Message
  • subscribeToNewUserConversations(username:ID!): UserConversations

DynamoDB Storage

DynamoDB is the main storage solution for managing the state of the Klubby Application. It was selected for its simplicity, scalability, and real-time capabilities. The following figure shows and Entity Relationship Diagram outlining the major data tables managing the state of the Klubby application and their relationships.


AWS Blog Post - iOS GitPipeline

Deploying Capacitor iOS App

Pushing CodePipeline Status to Github

AWS Blog Post - Android GitPipeline

Example Android CICD Docker Image

Example Online/Offline Status