

xstate-codegen "src/**/**.machine.ts"

Inside code

Instead of importing createMachine or Machine from xstate, import them from @xstate/compiled:

import { createMachine } from '@xtate/compiled';

const machine = createMachine();

You must pass three type options to createMachine/Machine:

  1. The desired shape of your machine's context
  2. The list of events your machine accepts, typed in a discriminated union (type Event = { type: 'GO' } | { type: 'STOP' };)
  3. A string ID for your machine, unique to your project.

For instance:

import { Machine } from '@xtate/compiled';

interface Context {}

type Event = { type: 'DUMMY_TYPE' };

const machine = Machine<Context, Event, 'uniqueId'>({});



xstate-codegen "src/**/**.machine.ts" --once

By default, the CLI watches for changes in your files. Running --once runs the CLI only once.

Out Dir

xstate-codegen "src/**/**.machine.ts" --outDir="src"

By default, the CLI adds the required declaration files inside node_modules at node_modules/@xstate/compiled. This writes the declaration files to a specified directory.

Note, this only writes the declaration files to the directory. The .js files still get written to node_modules/@xstate/compiled.