- 0
- 3
API local Somfy
#51 opened by Mangles38 - 12
Retour d'état d'un volet
#39 opened by Alderaaan - 4
Etat des commandes info non disponibles dans les commandes actions - issue closed without resolution ! #36
#52 opened by antarmc - 3
Les commandes disparaissent après une sauvegarde
#57 opened by Merrick28 - 2
- 1
- 18
Bug setClosure
#45 opened by kbn53 - 0
Ajout du mode "Discret"
#53 opened by SamsGuamejy - 4
Etat des commandes info non disponibles dans les commandes actions -issue closes without resolution !
#36 opened by antarmc - 3
Tahoma Out on Jeedom since the "Update of Jan 15, 2023, Fix of setClosure 100"
#50 opened by GaborToulouse - 1
- 8
#44 opened by GTU63 - 0
Controle d'un récepteur IO pour porte de Garage
#42 opened by cloriou - 7
Problème commandes volets RTS
#34 opened by Chris88140 - 1
Too many operations
#37 opened by seunlands - 3
Plugin Hs sur Jeedom 4.1.20
#38 opened by Angelbox60 - 1
Invalid return - Connexion NOK
#31 opened by aklan14 - 9
Mode discret
#22 opened by Dites33 - 2
Panel.php introuvable
#26 opened by bibonade - 1
New shutter cannot be added
#32 opened by Tioborto - 1
- 2
Gestion du mode 'Discret'
#9 opened by JulienPtK - 2
Plugin HS
#28 opened by Kallagan99 - 0
Scenarios Empty when using Tahoma devices
#27 opened by dummyno - 0
Freebox Delta
#25 opened by julien8913 - 4
- 2
Actualisation apres action
#11 opened by squal95 - 8
plugin non fonctionnel
#20 opened by boniny - 2
- 0
Thermostat connecté
#16 opened by algorytmix02 - 1
controle fil pilote gestionnaire d'energie
#14 opened by lefilliatre - 1
- 0
Mise à jour Tahoma 23 mai 2018
#8 opened by kermitlagrenouille - 1
#7 opened by kermitlagrenouille - 1
Homebridge Tahoma RTS
#3 opened by ChrisJary - 1