PVSneslib V3.0.0 (21, November, 2020)
PVSnesLib is an open and free library to develop programs for Nintendo SNES in C language.
It contains snes-sdk compiler / linker and a library (sources included) which offer facilities to use backgrounds / sprites / pads / music & sound on Nintendo SNES system. It also contains examples to help how to use functions with the library.
GitHub page: https://github.com/alekmaul/pvsneslib
Wiki page: https://github.com/alekmaul/pvsneslib/wiki
Doc page: http://www.portabledev.com/pvsneslib/doc
You can find tutorials about how install and use PVSneslib on this page:
We now have a Discord :D, just join us with this link : https://discord.gg/DzEFnhB
PVSneslib and affiliated tools are distributed under the MIT license (see pvsneslib_license.txt file)
If you want to donate to support PVSneslib development:
Thanks =)