#meteor-react-electron-boilerplate Based on the simple 'mr-kanban' project this includes support for electron to create desktop applications.
I'm not using the 'offical' meteor react package because it doesn't work properly; so I've added the dependencies to package.json and they can be installed using meteor npm install. Works for me but may be updated if MGD gets their stuff together and fixes their NPM/meteor issues.
Designed to allow for relatively easy prototyping. It initally makes use of package meteor-electron(https://github.com/electron-webapps/meteor-electron). But ultimately using something like Electrify (https://github.com/arboleya/electrify) to make the end-executable.
So I am maintaining this repository to act as a starting point for a desktop-react based project.
##Quickstart All commands from meteor project directory*
meteor npm install
sudo npm install -g electrify
##What this includes
|------|----------------------------| |.gitignore | ignores the most of the common things you don't want in your repo. Including .DS_Store and various hidden folders.| |Meteor| v.| |Meteor Packages| meteor-react-data,meson:electron | |Npm Packages| meteor-node-stubs,react,react-addons-pure-render-mixin,react-dom|
meson:electron is a easy to use meteor module. electrify is an easy to use npm package that can only build for the platforms its running on. The build process for meson:electron is kind of complex and seems to be dependent on a server to upload the application via internet. YMV.
Make this but with google's material design.