
The missing vim plugin manual.

#The Missing (vim) Plugin Manual

A quick (work in progress) reference for using and learning popular vim plugins.

##fugitive.vim ###Git wrapper

VimCommand Description Extra Options/Instructions
:GStatus git status + or - to add / reset -- patch
:Gread git checkout --filename Operates on the buffer rather than the filename.
:Gwrite git add writes to both the work tree and index versions of a file, making it like git add when called from a work tree file and like git checkout when called from the index or a blob in history.
:GCommit git commit
:GBlame git blame in vertical split Press enter on a line to edit the commit where the line changed, or o to open it in a split. When you're done, use :Gedit in the historic buffer to go back to the work tree version.
:GMove git mv Simultaneously renames the buffer.
:GRemove git rm Simultaneously deletes the buffer.
:Gblame git blame Interactive vertical split with git blame output. Press enter on a line to edit the commit where the line changed, or o to open it in a split. When you're done, use :Gedit in the historic buffer to go back to the work tree version.
:Gbrowse Opens the current file on GitHub, with optional line range (try it in visual mode!). If your current repository isn't on GitHub, git instaweb will be spun up instead.
:Git runs any arbitrary command Git! to open the output of a command in a temp file.
%{fugitive#statusline()} adds an indicator with the current branch in statusline. add to 'statusline'

##Gundo ###Visual git tree browser

See also ;Gudno configuration

VimCommand Description
j / k Move up and down in graph
gg / G Move to top (with newest state) or bottom (oldest state)
:return: Pressing return on state or double clicking it reverts the content of the file to match that state
p make the preview window show the diff between your current state and the selected state, instead of a preview of what the selected state changed.
'P' will initiate "play to" mode targeted at that state. This will replay all the changes between your current state and the target, with a slight pause after each change.
'q' Pressing while in undo graph will close it. Also accessible by pressing mapped toggle key.

##surround.vim ###Mappings to delete/change text surrounds (tags,brackets,quotes etc) ####Note The instructions are a bit confusing and cumalitive and leverage off the same string. This is my best interpretation. It seems as if various character ends may be replaced in the command itself. Ex: ysiw] affects '[]' while ysiw} affects '{}', using a open bracket adds the delimiter with a space and a closing bracket does so without a space.

VimCommand Description Input Output
cs" Switch double quote delimiters to single quote " Hello world! " ' Hello world! '
cs'<q> Replace quote delimiters with specified tag 'Hello world!' <q>Hello world!</q>
cst" Replace tag delimiters with quotes <q>Hello world!</q> "Hello world!"
cs{ Add {} with spaces to selection
cs} Add {} without spaces to selection
ds" Remove delimiter "Hello world!" Hello world!
ysiw] Add [] to selected text Hello world! [Hello] world!
yssb or yss} Wrap entire line in parentheses { Hello } world! ({ Hello } world!)
ds{ds} Revert to original text ({ Hello } world!) Hello World!
ysiw<em> Emphasize hello (assuming it is selected) Hello world! <em>Hello</em>
S<p class="important"> Adds the specified tag with a close around the selection <em>Hello</em> <p class="important"> <em>Hello</em> world! </p>

##Sublime 3 Plugins

Plugins that are helpful when using sublime

Title Description Type
Gitignored file excluder Ignores files/folders that are listed in .gitignore during file searches. (good for ignoring .meteor/local) Utility
SideBarEnhancements Sublime Text 3 Only Adds options/features to the sidebar menu during file selection. Maybe a few too many options?
GitGutter Shows changes (in the line number gutter) to a repo (added/removed/modified) Utility
SideBarGit Add git commands to sidebar. Textual port of komodin extension for sublime text. Utility
Auto Hide Sidebar Hides the sidebar after some activity happens in the window. Reappears under various circumstances. Utility
SublimeFixMacPath For resolving potential errors various plugins may have with commands such as make to properly configure the PATH on Macosx. System Utility
Better Coffeescript Not sure if this is really 'better' than any other Coffeescript syntax highligher but I'd like to believe so. Syntax
Bracket​Highlighter Extends support for bracket highlighting such as: [], (), {}, "", '', #!xml Syntax
Javascript Beautify Applies defined rules to format javascript files. Has option to format on save. Syntax
Jade Jade syntax highlighting... the top plugin for the task. Syntax
Less Top Less highlighting package. Syntax
Monokai Extended This is an extended version of the popular Monokai theme; Extends Monokai from Soda with new syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, and Handlebars and improved syntax highlighting for RegEx, HTML, LESS, CSS, JavaScript and more. Theme